Kalpesh Malik
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Dr. Kalpesh Malik is a renowned Cardiac Surgeon. He has more than 22 years of experience in Cardiac Surgery and has personally conducted more than 8000 Open Heart surgeries. He has worked in leading hospitals in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Raipur and is in Surat since 2014. Dr Kalpesh Malik is one of the few cardiac surgeons in India who conducts carotid artery surgery. He is a rare Vascular Surgeon who performs Aortic Trunk Reconstruction Surgery. Ever since he entered medicine in 1988, he has always believed that the management of diseases is incomplete without the knowledge of exercise physiology and nutrition science. He took bodybuilders and master trainer from International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB), which is the most reputed organization in the field of fitness. This is the highest qualification in the field of exercise physiology and he is the only person in India to possess this qualification. He holds the International Fitness Coach Card provided by IFBB.
“Kalpesh Malik” Answers
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